Most Certain Month to have a Window update | Window update | Hexlartech

Have you updated your window, the latest one ?

or you are still without the recent window update.

All window updates are around 1 GB, some are less than it and some are more.

Normally, Every month you are supposed to have a new Window update.

but do you ever think which month is most likely to have a window update


In which month Window update is most certain to come ?

Someone has found it out.

Hexlartech Team has found it out by checking all window updates release date since window 10 have released back in 2015.

Here's stat : January and June are the most certain month to have a window update.

Key takeaways :

1. January and June are the most certain month to have a window update.
2. August is most uncertain month to have a Window update.

Keep your data saved and get excited in every month of January and July for what's coming new in window as Microsoft window is most likely to have an update in this months.


Our Team and I have analysed the data from official Microsoft window site.

All Window update of window 10 and 11 release date is collected and analysed by putting it in google sheets and then looked for Month of each release date and then, put it down with no of time update came in each month.

then, we count the probability of each month.

This data is taken on 1 august so, all update after it will not be count.

All data is double checked.

you can found all data here.

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